Saturday, June 28, 2008

Two bLogs is better than One...

Hey people, i've decided to keep both blogs, cause i've just discovered that my other blogs doesn't allow the give comment function...or maybe it does but i havent discovered it yet..hehehe...anyways, to be on the safe side, just ready both alright,,,Later everyone~!

The Long Awaited Wedding...

Hey all, today is THe big day….!!!…hehehe..well, unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately ;) …) its not My wedding..its my cousin’s, Fiza. I was appointed to be her bride’s maid just a couple of days ago so now i’m panicking…hehehe..not that much notice to become bride’s maid eh…but then again, i’ve done it oh so many times that i probably can do it in my sleep…:P….i’m going for the record of 27 dresses. So far…i’ve only got lets see….5?..Ouch….heheheh…oh well, better gain something than nothing right.. :)

Have you guys ever heard of this saying or old wives tale? or whatever u call it.. ->”You cannot be bride’s maid more than 3 times, cause if you do, you’d never be married”??..Well, I’ve come to a point where I’ve just decided that Its just crap and i prefer not to believe in it…:P i mean..if its jodoh then its jodoh right..If its meant to be its meant to be……My mum kinda reminded me, that jodoh is one of the things that you’ve made a deal with Allah before you were even born…same as ajal and etc…so since I’m a narural born negotiator, I’m quite sure i’ve got some great packaging coming my way..InsyaAllah…Hahahah…

Anyways, I better leave to go and get myself ready…will come back with pics and updates..wish me luck..;)

Oh no, something just hit me….AAarghhh..with weddings, come family and relatives gatherings, which leads to…the BIG QuestION…”When are YOU getting married?” …dammn…but i’ve always got an answer ready…..Since Nana & Fahmy and Zaki is older than me ( all in the same year but different months, and I’m a Dec baby:))…they have to cross over 1st…hahahahah…sorry guys…its all down to human shields nowadays..hahaha…. ok….i really have to get my toots going….later beautiful people… :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Moving to a new bLog

Hey everyone, im moving to a new blog, a more happening one...with friendlier functions, u'd get what i mean once u've read it...the address is..

see you guys there....


Friday, June 20, 2008

Promise to Self..

Promise to self:

  1. To write in blog at least once every three days
  2. To write about everything, all thoughts, not just ridiculous thoughts..hehehehe
  3. To get focused on self -
  4. To bother in what is in my circle of control, not linger on what is not
  5. To win bet with Kai Low...oh my god, i totally forgot about that! hahahahaha damn

He's Just Not That Into You...

Hey everyone, sorry i haven't been blogging lately, i've had so much stuff going on that i rarely have time to even sit my bum down. For most parts i am glad that i've been that busy, cause if i wasn't i'd probably be going psycho by now... ;p

Finally the day of the waited event arrived, i was so excited and happy that me it was one of the best nights that i've had in a LoOoOnG time...haven't gone out for drinks - teh o ais limau mind you- and came home smiley2 like i'm intoxicated....i have fallen deep ...DAmN...heheheheheh...Yup, that was how strong the effect of the teh o ais limau had on me... and this went on for a few days, until...............i realized that...He's just not that into me, as my friends would put it... and what are the signs? daily phone calls, sms or even chats...i mean, who am i to say these are the things to look out for since he did not come with a manual? But apparently now we just go with the basic rules... and these are the ground rules that my honeys has come up with...

One said....,If there is keeping in touch during the day, everyday, then you know how the other person feels about you....If a guy wants you,he stops at nothing...even if he is the busiest person alive, he would make time to let u know he's thinking about you...even if its only a minute.

My response was, Ouch.

Why doesn't these things come easy? i mean, why cant i just ask him directly?But whats the point, if obviously its not pointing in my direction....and this is where i have to just face the cruel truth. . . . . . . . at this point, sad is an understatement.

Something Nana messaged all of us, s.i.n.n.z, really got to me. and this is what she said ...

"You can’t choose who you fall in love with ,
but you can choose who’s worth giving your love to.
I’m living with that for long term’s sake…" other words, save you tears for someone who is worth it.Oh well, like nik said, if all men fails us, at least we'll have each other......long live s.i.n.n.z , see you tonight girls.... ;)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Missing you...

Hmm...i dont know how to start this one, but i just felt like writing in. I mean, this is a place that i'm supposed to be able to share whatever i think and feel right?...feeling a bit down.. the decision is final, my dad just told me that i'm gonna be leaving for Perth end of july.So that means i've only got about a month left...i've got confused feelings, sad, excited,scared, happy,empty, you name it i've got it....

But the most that i'm feeling now is the feeling of missing the things or the people around me that makes my world move...friends, cousins, family...and *****, things that im used to, like my bed, or ... I mean, I'm not even away yet and already i feel that i miss these people/ things...and as much as i say i hate kl, its beginning to grow on me...the poluted air, the acid rain, the jam..the teh o ais limau, the 24hours tosai in the world would i survive?... :( ok ok..look at the bright side...i'm only going to be gone for 4 years...4 years compared to the rest of my life is peanuts..right?..:P k lah sacrifice thing thats definitely good about the move is that....definitely gonna lose lots of weight because no midnight snack attacks at the mamaks...chewahh...hehehe...we'll wait and see.. ;)

Thank God i've got the rainforest fest to keep me busy for the last few weeks im here..if not i'd probably flood malaysia :P It just hit me today that i need to start packing and decide what i wanna bring over....can i bring malaysia over?... huwaaaaaaaaa~!wishful thinking..heheheh..Hmmm..i should really start going about kl and sarawak and take pictures of it.....maybe will go on a road trip to sakai...:P

Oh ya, the event that i've been waiting for..has been another week..but seriously..getting more and more nervous..hahahahha....excited too of course..but..dunno lah...dont want to think about it too much..might just have a heart attack...can't wait tho.. :P even got a new haircut..hahahahhahahahahah...chewah.. :P oh watever...i get excited just thinking about it..i'm gonna put a full stop on this one now ... before overflow of information..hahahahhaha...i leave u with finally a picture on the blog...of new "boyfriend"...hahahah

Thursday, June 5, 2008

And for He who holds the Key....Holds this manual....:)

This was posted in friendster by a friend....and it caught my eye...and whatever else..heheheh... :) Live and learn..

When i dont call you-Its because im waiting for you to call me
When i walk away from you mad-Follow me
When i stare at your mouth-Kiss me
When i push you or hit you-Grab me and don't let go
When i start cussing at you-Kiss me and tell me you love me
When im quiet-Ask me whats wrong
When i ignore you-Give me your attention
When i pull away-Pull me back
When you see me at my worst-Tell me im beautiful
When you see me start crying-Just hold me and dont say a word
When you see me walking-Sneak up and hug my waist from behind
When im scared-Protect me
When i lay my head on your shoulder-Tilt my head up and kiss me
When I lay my head on your chest-Know I love you and feel safe with you
When i steal your favorite hat-Let me keep it and sleep with it for a night
When i tease you-Tease me back and make me laugh
When i dont answer for a long time-reassure me that everything is okay
When i look at you with doubt-Back yourself up
When i say that i like you-I really do more than you could understand
When i grab at your hands-Hold mine and play with my fingers
When i bump into you-bump into me back and make me laugh
When i tell you a secret-keep it safe and untold
When i look at you in your eyes-Know that I'm searching for something
When i miss you-I'm hurting inside
When you break my heart-The pain never really goes away
When i say its over-I still want you to be mine
When i repost this bulletin-I want you to read it
- Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go then kiss her
- When she says she's ok dont believe it talk with her because ok, is NEVER ok
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
- Tease her and let her tease you back.
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
- Watch her favorite movie with her.
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes.
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
- Let her know she's important.
- Kiss her in the pouring rain.
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking babe?"
If you post this in the next four minutes the one you love will :
•Call you.
•Kiss you.
•Love you.
•Text you.
Guys post as: "I'd be this boyfriend.
Girls post as:"A true boyfriend."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Exams Exams Exams..

This is seriously weird...I haven't been nervous about anything for quite some time...i mean...i kinda forgotten how being nervous would be like, and now..i've got 2 things i'm starting to feel way nervous about...1. IELTS...2. Dot Dot Dot...heheheh..The last time i sat for an exam was probably about 4 years ago...yup, that sounds about right...Hmm....for goodness sake, How bad could it be?..hehehehe....Actually quite bad, i've been up since 7am this morning trying to decide what baju to wear jeans?..or to wear slacks?..or should i just go with the safest, a baju kurung?..I kinda forgotten what Uni dress code is supposed to be....has it really been that long? that an aging sign i detect?... :P Hope not~! hehehhehehe

But you know what?..feeling nervous for my exams is nothing compared to the nervousness that i feel for the other should i put it?..upcoming event?..hehehehehe..that still doesnt sound right..but lets just put it at that for now...i probably have started counting god knows how many donkey days ago....and can u believe it...its just another 5 more days.. ...OH my GOd...hehehehe arghhhhhhhhhh....:P

Seriously, whenever i think about it... butterflies in my tummy, i feel like i can just faint anytime..etc etc..a whirlwind of emotions..excited, nervous, curious, a series of what ifs....but you know what???....i truly believe that its worth all this and more..hehehehe~

Okkkkkkk...its time to shower and baca all the ayat that i can think of..heheheheh...oh ya and also make the final decision of what to wear...have so many other things that i wanna share, but will keep it for later...;)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My baby is Back~!! QKG9386

My baby is BAckkkk~!!...Finally after the long 2 months! Now everything can be back to normal again...yay.. ;) Havent been able to do anything without him, i mean that may be exaggerating it a bit but was lonely when he wasnt around. Now i can really start going to celebrity fitness...NO more excuses..Yay~!You know what, this incident really reminded me of the phrase " you'd never know what u're missing till is gone" or "you'd never really appreciate something and take things for granted unless its taken away from you.."

Which is true, i mean, i guess it applies to everything in life, like family and friends. In general a whole lot of us takes for granted that family and friends are always going to be by your side without realizing how much effort they make to keep us happy and to protect us and vice versa. I've come to think of it this way, if tomorrow never comes...would the other party, know how much you love and care for them and have you shown or done enough to make them know that?...You wouldn't want to leave the person clueless right?..especially when the person means the world to you.

I've also learned that the same concept applies to self, especially in my case, my health. It hit me when i fractured my right hand during the accident. Having a cast in one arm,the simplest daily activities that you don't even think of as being hard becomes a challenge. Honest truth, putting on a bra takes probably a minute usually, but with the cast, it took a whole 15 mins? I mean, all these while I've always taken for granted that my body would always function the same way it would regardless of how bad i treat it, ( excessive eating and minimal exercise) . For someone who is overweight, I've always been blessed in the sense that I've always had positive results for my medical check- ups. Never a problem. But then, how much longer can my body take this? Time to take some serious 360` change action. Don't want to live life in regret of something that i can control.

For those who stood by me through thick and thin, through laughter, giggles and endless sessions of tears and s.i.n.n.z.s sessions, and activities to conquer the world *wink*wink*, your my angels and would never ever take you guys for granted. If i do, slap me..hehe..and for he who's put sunshine and rainbow in my life...Thank you :)

Stumbled upon this song when i visited a friend's friendster page and don't know why it gave me this....tingling feeling?..heheheh..and reminded me of of course, that certain someone..hehehehhe...hmmm..if only i could upload the song onto this blog, so that everyone can listen to it... ;)

Hebat by Tangga

Bagaikan tetesan hujan di batasnya kemarau
Berikan kesejukan yg lama tak kunjung datang
Menghapus dahaga jiwaku akan cinta sejati

* Betapa sempurna dirimu di mata hatiku
Tak pernah kurasakan damai sedamai bersamamu
Tak ada yg bisa yg mungkin kan mengganti tempatmu

Kau membuat ku merasa hebat
Karena ketulusan cintamu
Ku merasa teristimewa hanya
Hanya karena, karena cinta
Kau beri padaku sepenuhnya
Buatku selalu merasa berarti

Kini ku merasa hebat
Karena kau yang membuatku makin kuat
Jantungku bergerak cepat
Semua yg berat bisa lewat
Inikah cinta yg sejati

Melayang ku terbang berenang di awan
Tak akan kita kan lepas dan jatuh sekarang
Cinta, sang cinta, kita kan terus mencinta

Repeat *
Repeat reff

Thursday, May 15, 2008

It’s the way you make me smile…

Have u ever felt that out of the blue when u’re all alone and all of a sudden you start smiling to yourself? Ya…I’m sure a lot of you have been thru that…and recently, its been happening a lot to me..;) am I going kuku?..only God knows, hehe, but then again, who knows, I may be on to something… Its just lil’ things/incidences or a certain someone that crosses my mind that makes me glow. Oh well, can’t complain about being happy…heheheheh..I had an amazing start today, with Digi sending me bonus points , RM60~~ God knows how much I’ve been spending on my credits..hehehe..the rest of the day went on perfect, managed to stay on track with the diet, did an hour of running and managed to stay sane…hehehe

But you know what…I’ve decided, I’m just gonna go with the flow…I mean, we all have things that we wish for, and probably only 35% of us actually gets it, so if what I wish for doesn’t turn the way that I hoped it to be, well at least it did happen to me, and even having that tingling feeling for a short minute is worth while……

So how do I do this?...

So seriously, how do i do this...what should i start with 1st?..hehehe..hmmm..suddenly i'm out of ideas. damn, that was quick....hehehe..i thought by now i would've had lots to write about since i have been wanting to have my own blog for what?..the past 2 yrs?...i've always thought that life was passing me by so quickly that i want to write things down so that i'd have a record of all the things that i've been up to...the Ups the Downs and the In Betweens...hheheheh...and especially about my weight loss journey, something that I've been wanting to do for the past God knows how many donkey years....ya ya,i know some of you are nodding at this...heheh..sorry babes, i know i've been a pain in the @$$ and thank you for sticking by me and not giving up on motivating me... ...but this time its for real, I am sick of being overweight, and i need all the help that i can are u with me?...Here we go... ;)

What made me change my mind, you may ask....actually it has been on my mind for quite some time now. Its just that i've been so in denial that it sucks....ya, I mean, seriously, lets face it, ya, inner beauty is one thing,being someone who's great to hang out with is another, but when u're fat, u're never looked at, not that way.... Sad aint it? Not anymore. Thats it, Time for a change..and you know whats so great about this "change"?? The fact that this is something that is in my circle of control and I can do something about it.Why bother wasting more time, thinking and holding on to things that is not in my circle of control and obviously not worth my time??Yup!!..Instead of waiting for things to happen, its time that i get on my ass to make things happen. I am my own responsibility, not others, and failure is not an option...

oh, i got a msg...wuhuuu....ok gtg....will continue this tomorrow?..see you..;)