Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Exams Exams Exams..

This is seriously weird...I haven't been nervous about anything for quite some time...i mean...i kinda forgotten how being nervous would be like, and now..i've got 2 things i'm starting to feel way nervous about...1. IELTS...2. Dot Dot Dot...heheheh..The last time i sat for an exam was probably about 4 years ago...yup, that sounds about right...Hmm....for goodness sake, How bad could it be?..hehehehe....Actually quite bad, i've been up since 7am this morning trying to decide what baju to wear jeans?..or to wear slacks?..or should i just go with the safest, a baju kurung?..I kinda forgotten what Uni dress code is supposed to be....has it really been that long? that an aging sign i detect?... :P Hope not~! hehehhehehe

But you know what?..feeling nervous for my exams is nothing compared to the nervousness that i feel for the other should i put it?..upcoming event?..hehehehehe..that still doesnt sound right..but lets just put it at that for now...i probably have started counting god knows how many donkey days ago....and can u believe it...its just another 5 more days.. ...OH my GOd...hehehehe arghhhhhhhhhh....:P

Seriously, whenever i think about it... butterflies in my tummy, i feel like i can just faint anytime..etc etc..a whirlwind of emotions..excited, nervous, curious, a series of what ifs....but you know what???....i truly believe that its worth all this and more..hehehehe~

Okkkkkkk...its time to shower and baca all the ayat that i can think of..heheheheh...oh ya and also make the final decision of what to wear...have so many other things that i wanna share, but will keep it for later...;)

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