Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Long Awaited Wedding...

Hey all, today is THe big day….!!!…hehehe..well, unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately ;) …) its not My wedding..its my cousin’s, Fiza. I was appointed to be her bride’s maid just a couple of days ago so now i’m panicking…hehehe..not that much notice to become bride’s maid eh…but then again, i’ve done it oh so many times that i probably can do it in my sleep…:P….i’m going for the record of 27 dresses. So far…i’ve only got lets see….5?..Ouch….heheheh…oh well, better gain something than nothing right.. :)

Have you guys ever heard of this saying or old wives tale? or whatever u call it.. ->”You cannot be bride’s maid more than 3 times, cause if you do, you’d never be married”??..Well, I’ve come to a point where I’ve just decided that Its just crap and i prefer not to believe in it…:P i mean..if its jodoh then its jodoh right..If its meant to be its meant to be……My mum kinda reminded me, that jodoh is one of the things that you’ve made a deal with Allah before you were even born…same as ajal and etc…so since I’m a narural born negotiator, I’m quite sure i’ve got some great packaging coming my way..InsyaAllah…Hahahah…

Anyways, I better leave to go and get myself ready…will come back with pics and updates..wish me luck..;)

Oh no, something just hit me….AAarghhh..with weddings, come family and relatives gatherings, which leads to…the BIG QuestION…”When are YOU getting married?” …dammn…but i’ve always got an answer ready…..Since Nana & Fahmy and Zaki is older than me ( all in the same year but different months, and I’m a Dec baby:))…they have to cross over 1st…hahahahah…sorry guys…its all down to human shields nowadays..hahaha…. ok….i really have to get my toots going….later beautiful people… :)

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