Friday, June 20, 2008

He's Just Not That Into You...

Hey everyone, sorry i haven't been blogging lately, i've had so much stuff going on that i rarely have time to even sit my bum down. For most parts i am glad that i've been that busy, cause if i wasn't i'd probably be going psycho by now... ;p

Finally the day of the waited event arrived, i was so excited and happy that me it was one of the best nights that i've had in a LoOoOnG time...haven't gone out for drinks - teh o ais limau mind you- and came home smiley2 like i'm intoxicated....i have fallen deep ...DAmN...heheheheheh...Yup, that was how strong the effect of the teh o ais limau had on me... and this went on for a few days, until...............i realized that...He's just not that into me, as my friends would put it... and what are the signs? daily phone calls, sms or even chats...i mean, who am i to say these are the things to look out for since he did not come with a manual? But apparently now we just go with the basic rules... and these are the ground rules that my honeys has come up with...

One said....,If there is keeping in touch during the day, everyday, then you know how the other person feels about you....If a guy wants you,he stops at nothing...even if he is the busiest person alive, he would make time to let u know he's thinking about you...even if its only a minute.

My response was, Ouch.

Why doesn't these things come easy? i mean, why cant i just ask him directly?But whats the point, if obviously its not pointing in my direction....and this is where i have to just face the cruel truth. . . . . . . . at this point, sad is an understatement.

Something Nana messaged all of us, s.i.n.n.z, really got to me. and this is what she said ...

"You can’t choose who you fall in love with ,
but you can choose who’s worth giving your love to.
I’m living with that for long term’s sake…" other words, save you tears for someone who is worth it.Oh well, like nik said, if all men fails us, at least we'll have each other......long live s.i.n.n.z , see you tonight girls.... ;)

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