Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Missing you...

Hmm...i dont know how to start this one, but i just felt like writing in. I mean, this is a place that i'm supposed to be able to share whatever i think and feel right?...feeling a bit down.. the decision is final, my dad just told me that i'm gonna be leaving for Perth end of july.So that means i've only got about a month left...i've got confused feelings, sad, excited,scared, happy,empty, you name it i've got it....

But the most that i'm feeling now is the feeling of missing the things or the people around me that makes my world move...friends, cousins, family...and *****, things that im used to, like my bed, or ... I mean, I'm not even away yet and already i feel that i miss these people/ things...and as much as i say i hate kl, its beginning to grow on me...the poluted air, the acid rain, the jam..the teh o ais limau, the 24hours tosai service.....heheheheh..arghhh...how in the world would i survive?... :( ok ok..look at the bright side...i'm only going to be gone for 4 years...4 years compared to the rest of my life is peanuts..right?..:P k lah sacrifice sacrife...one thing thats definitely good about the move is that....definitely gonna lose lots of weight because no midnight snack attacks at the mamaks...chewahh...hehehe...we'll wait and see.. ;)

Thank God i've got the rainforest fest to keep me busy for the last few weeks im here..if not i'd probably flood malaysia :P It just hit me today that i need to start packing and decide what i wanna bring over....can i bring malaysia over?... huwaaaaaaaaa~!wishful thinking..heheheh..Hmmm..i should really start going about kl and sarawak and take pictures of it.....maybe will go on a road trip to putrajaya..hehehe..haiyoo...so sakai...:P

Oh ya, the event that i've been waiting for..has been postponed..to another week..but seriously..getting more and more nervous..hahahahha....excited too of course..but..dunno lah...dont want to think about it too much..might just have a heart attack...can't wait tho.. :P even got a new haircut..hahahahhahahahahah...chewah.. :P oh watever...i get excited just thinking about it..i'm gonna put a full stop on this one now ... before overflow of information..hahahahhaha...i leave u with finally a picture on the blog...of Iman...my new "boyfriend"...hahahah

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