Thursday, May 15, 2008

So how do I do this?...

So seriously, how do i do this...what should i start with 1st?..hehehe..hmmm..suddenly i'm out of ideas. damn, that was quick....hehehe..i thought by now i would've had lots to write about since i have been wanting to have my own blog for what?..the past 2 yrs?...i've always thought that life was passing me by so quickly that i want to write things down so that i'd have a record of all the things that i've been up to...the Ups the Downs and the In Betweens...hheheheh...and especially about my weight loss journey, something that I've been wanting to do for the past God knows how many donkey years....ya ya,i know some of you are nodding at this...heheh..sorry babes, i know i've been a pain in the @$$ and thank you for sticking by me and not giving up on motivating me... ...but this time its for real, I am sick of being overweight, and i need all the help that i can are u with me?...Here we go... ;)

What made me change my mind, you may ask....actually it has been on my mind for quite some time now. Its just that i've been so in denial that it sucks....ya, I mean, seriously, lets face it, ya, inner beauty is one thing,being someone who's great to hang out with is another, but when u're fat, u're never looked at, not that way.... Sad aint it? Not anymore. Thats it, Time for a change..and you know whats so great about this "change"?? The fact that this is something that is in my circle of control and I can do something about it.Why bother wasting more time, thinking and holding on to things that is not in my circle of control and obviously not worth my time??Yup!!..Instead of waiting for things to happen, its time that i get on my ass to make things happen. I am my own responsibility, not others, and failure is not an option...

oh, i got a msg...wuhuuu....ok gtg....will continue this tomorrow?..see you..;)

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